Can Weighted Hula Hooping Damage Your Kidneys?

We sometimes get asked if weighted hula hooping is safe and more specifically, can they damage your internal organs such as the kidneys? Weighted hooping is a new fitness trend that a lot of people are unfamiliar with, despite years of using traditional hula hoops in their youth. In this article, we explore if weighted hoops damage kidneys.

If you ask most people where their kidneys are located they wouldn't be able to tell you! They can be found deep in the abdomen of the body, strongly protected by muscles, spine and lower rib cage. Due to this location of the kidneys, it's often very difficult to do damage to them, with only serious incidents such as car accidents or penetrating injury with a blunt weapon or bullet! If even light bruising or injury occurs to the kidneys the effects can be serious, with blood in urine and extreme pain being associated.

Despite this most medical professionals including your local GP will say that weighted hula hooping won't create such damage.

In saying that, there are certain conditions that can cause issues when weighted hula hooping.

Pregnancy: Here at Hourglass Waist we do not recommend waist training or weighted hula hooping when pregnant. Medical professions will suggest little to no physical exercise when pregnant and even after birth we recommend waiting for at least three months before starting to exercise or use a weighted hula hoop.

Bleeding illnesses: If you're one of the select few that suffer from bleeding disorders then we don't recommend using a weighted hoop, especially if you're taking blood-thinning medication! If you're someone who bruises from weighted hula hooping then we suggest starting out with the lightest smart hoop.

Prior spinal or joint injury: As the human body ages, it experiences natural wear and tears due to physical activities, especially in certain joints and muscles which experience repetitive movement. Despite weighted hoops focusing mostly on the core area, it can have a slightly negative effect on a small number of peoples' backs. This is true for those with a medical history of back issues and who might use a weighted hula hoop when first starting out. If you do experience back pain when weighted hula hooping this could be an underlying sign of a neurological symptom, especially if you get a tingling sensation in your hand! If you do experience any of these signs book an appointment to see your local GP.

In conclusion, using a smart hoop won't damage your kidneys or other internal organs, this is true for both adults and children who hula hoop. Follow some of the steps below to ensure your safety when using a weighted hoop!

Here are some important ways to stay safe when weighted hooping:

  • Ensure you don't use a hoop that is too heavy when first starting out! It's best to go with a lighter hula hoop and build up the weight from there.
  • Stay away from cheap knockoff hula hoops which often cause bruising and discomfort when in use.
  • Just like any new exercise routine, it's best not to go too hard too early. Keep your weighted hula hooping session around 5 - 10 minutes when first starting. After a month of regular smart hooping you will be able to go for up to 30 - 40 minutes!
  • Ensure to give your body plenty of rest and appropriate foods for muscle recovery. Failure to do so can cause bruising and place unwanted stress on the body's muscles.
  • Keeping your body relaxed and loose when using a weighted hoop will ensure no stress and tension builds up in the muscles of the back, or around the spine.

Using a heavy hoop for exercise is a great way to lose weight, if you're interested in your own weighted hula hoop check out some of our customer weighted hula hoop reviews to get an idea of the results you can obtain with smart hooping.

 Check out how a weighted hula hoop and grow your booty here. And view some before and after results from regular weighted hula hoops. 


weighted hula hoops are an innovative way to lose weight, tone your core muscles, and increase hip circumference. However, it's important to understand the potential hula hoop dangers before starting a weighted hula hoop workout. Weighted hula hoops work by creating resistance, and this can put pressure on the upper body, resulting in repetitive movements that could lead to injury. As a result, it's essential to use common sense when using a weighted hula hoop and to listen to your body.

While no studies have found that weighted hula hooping can damage your kidneys, Baylor College's assistant professor of emergency medicine and internal medicine suggests that it's important to be mindful of your fitness level and strength training when performing workouts. Like with spinning, the risk of injury increases with the use of heavier weights, so it's important to consult a doctor before starting any workout routine that involves weights.

To prevent any potential injury, it's important to use the right technique when using a weighted hula hoop, engage your core muscles, and avoid excessive strain on your knees, hips, and thighs. You can also incorporate other workouts like walking, jogging, and abdominal exercises to maintain an elevated heart rate and avoid the risk of hernias and surgery.

Overall, weighted hula hoops and regular hula hoops can be a great addition to your workout routine. If you're wondering "does a weighted hula hoop work?" the answer is yes, it can help burn calories and tone your body. However, if you're experiencing discomfort or hula hoop hurts your waist, it's important to adjust your technique or switch to a different type of hoop, such as the infinity hoop, to prevent injury.

Weighted hula hoops are especially effective for targeting body fat and providing a total body workout. However, it's important to use the proper form and listen to your body's limits to avoid overexertion or strain. With the right approach, a weighted hula hoop can be an effective and enjoyable addition to your fitness routine.

If you enjoyed this article visit more at the Hourglass Waist Blog:

  1. How often should you use a weighted hula hoop
  2. Do weighted hula hoops work 
  3. The science behind waist trainers 
  4. Smokers and waist training 
  5. Brazilian butt lifts & corsets
  6. Liposuction & cinchers
  7. Tummy tuck and waist trainers



Author Bio

Hannah - Manager at Hourglass 

Hannah is a certified personal trainer based in Australia. Since 2017 she has inspired women across the nation through honest & educational content. Her dietary and fitness expertise are trusted across the fitness community.