Do Waist Trainers Hurt?

A australian waist trainer is a type of shapewear intended to provide the wearer with a smaller midriff for both temporary and long term periods. The term “waist training” refers to the process of progressively tightening the trainer as you go along, constricting your abdominal region until it eventually adapts to its new, much narrower form. This is by no means an instant and quick technique, and should be properly executed with safety and hygiene in mind.
Because of the nature of this method, many often believe training your core is painful. The short answer? It is not - but it could if you execute it incorrectly.
Are all waist trainers the same?
There are multiple types of waist trainers that come in varying styles and materials to choose from. Some are a little more advanced than others, and it is recommended to alternate different kinds within your routine. You may train with either a Classic waist trainer trainer that utilizes an inner bone structure, or one without it, which are easier to adjust to for beginners and mostly act as high compression bands.
The edge that the classic waist trainer has over the rest is how efficiently it holds everything in place and executes the hourglass figure. How to pick your waist trainer really depends on your size, goals, and where you will use it in.
How exactly does the abdominal region adapt when wearing a trainer?
No matter the type of trainer you opt for, they all still target the same area: your abdominal region. This region shifts and adjusts over time as you progressively tighten your garment. The process does not in any way reshape your hips even if it does feel snug towards that section. Instead, the trainer will be able to cinch your two bottom-most ribs, also know as your floating ribs, and pull them inwards. This is not a cause for concern as these two are meant to move around and shift with our body’s many natural phases anyway. It is also not permanent, even once your floating ribs have been pulled inwards, this figure will need a maintenance routine to keep in place.
If you are wondering why this is necessary, it is actually one of the main reasons behind being able to achieve an hourglass figure and trim your midriff a few inches down. It is completely safe and natural. The important thing to keep in mind is to allow your body some time to get used to the constrictive environment and to not go too swiftly with your routine than you feel ready to do so.
Why a cincher might hurt
Breaking in a new waist trainer might seem unnerving at first but with proper practice and patience, it can be a fun and easy regimen. There are 5 safety precautions to take into consideration when starting a waist training routine, namely:
- Measure yourself correctly in order to get the right fitting trainer.
- Do not wear your new trainer for any longer than two consecutive hours a day. If you are a beginner, best to start between 1 – 2 hours daily for two weeks and slowly increase when you feel ready enough.
- Do not tighten your trainer to the smallest setting right away. Keep it just snug enough to hug you, but loose enough that you can ease into the process. Tightening it all the way right off the bat can warp your trainer.
- Do not tolerate any discomfort or difficulty breathing. This is a clear sign that you either got a size too small or your trainer is damaged.
- Do not wear it for any longer than the maximum recommended 12 hours per day. Keep in mind that your body needs to rest from being compressed as well.
These preventative measures are in place so that you will be able to train your waist successfully and free of any pain. Should you experience stings and discomfort throughout your routine, review the above list as a guide in figuring out why it is hurting.
Can a waist trainer cause the body to bloat or trigger acid reflux?
Tummy belts do not cause the body to bloat. It may however intensify the feeling if you are already experiencing bloating due to other circumstances. Tummy belts also do not trigger acid reflux if worn correctly. However, when your garment is either a size too small or tightened too excessively, this can put too much pressure around your digestive tract and result in acid reflux.
If feeling either one of these discomforts, simply loosen your trainer or take it off. If these do not alleviate the pain, double check if it is in fact in your size. To avoid these types of situations, get the right fit and do not fasten the garment too tight during meals. It would also be helpful to get a trainer that is more flexible for various activities such as the Latex waist trainer.
Can a waist trainer cause shortness of breath?
Since your midsection will be compressed, your lungs will naturally need to adapt to a new breathing pace. The smaller capacity will force it to take deeper and more recurrent breaths. This is of course not too intense that you will have trouble breathing. Eventually, you will get the hang of it and barely notice the shift in pace.
This concern might have you wondering, “are waist trainers good for working out?” The answer is a big YES. To avoid causing any intense shortness of breath while doing strenuous activities, do not use a very restrictive and non-flexible trainer when hitting the gym, going for a run, or doing household chores. Instead, use one made of latex or neoprene fabric that will allow you to move freely, such as this Gym Waist Trainer. It also has twice the benefits if you use it when exercising because of its thermal neoprene material that helps you shed extra water weight.
Hourglass Waist Training
Hourglass are Australias number one provider of shapewear, tummy belts and booty enhancers. As a team we are focused on delivering the highest quality service and products to our customers, helping them to discover themselves more. When you use one of our corset you are helping to find your natural shape and health. Our products are for all women, with no item discriminating against sex, age or race! Hourglass is working hard to provide women with appropriate & correct core training exercises, education and equipment. Helping to give women the right tools to trim the fat around the tummy, thighs & hips region. Our vision at Hourglass is to help develop a world that is better for all women to live in. We believe that with the help of self-care products all women can reach a positive place of mental and physical health.
Our waist trainers are often called the modern core trainer, helping to train & squeeze your waistline into that hourglass shape. Helping to give you an instant curvy appearance, leaving you feeling sexy and confident. There are multiple short and long-term benefits of wearing a waist trainer, these include a flatter tummy, hourglass look, confidence boost, back support & reduce back pain
The use of waist trainers is a controversial topic with many different opinions. While some people claim that waist trainers work, others argue that they do not provide any real benefits and may even be harmful to your health.
Research has shown that wearing waist trainers can lead to several health risks and concerns, such as poor posture, decreased lung capacity, digestive issues, and potential permanent organ damage. Additionally, there is no evidence to support the claim that waist trainers can help you lose weight or permanently change your body shape.
While it is true that some people may experience temporary benefits such as a smaller waist measurement or decreased appetite, these effects are likely due to the tight compression of the garment rather than any real fat loss. Furthermore, any changes made by wearing waist trainers are temporary and not long-lasting.
It is important to note that there is no substitute for a healthy diet and regular exercise when it comes to achieving sustainable weight loss and improving your overall health. While waist trainers may provide extra support during exercise, they should not be relied upon as a primary means of weight loss or muscle building.
If you are interested in improving your body shape or losing weight, consider working with a primary care physician or a pelvic floor physical therapist to develop a safe and effective exercise routine that incorporates strength training, cardiovascular exercise, and healthy eating habits.
It is also important to remember that every body is different and there is no one-size-fits-all solution to achieving a lasting hourglass figure. Instead of relying on temporary fixes or drastic changes, focus on making small, sustainable changes to your lifestyle that will improve your overall health and wellbeing.
In summary, while some people may choose to wear a waist trainer for cosmetic reasons or as part of their fitness routine, it is important to weigh the potential risks and benefits before making a decision. There is no evidence to support the claim that waist trainers are effective for weight loss or body shaping, and they may even lead to permanent damage to your internal organs or musculoskeletal system. Instead, focus on a healthy diet, regular exercise, and good posture to improve your overall health and wellbeing.
Waist trainers are not a magical solution to weight loss or achieving an hourglass figure. While they may temporarily trim inches from the waistline and provide extra support, the potential health risks and concerns associated with waist training outweigh the benefits. Despite the claims made by manufacturers, there is no evidence to suggest that wearing a waist trainer alone will lead to lasting weight loss or a smaller waist.
Instead, a combination of a healthy diet, regular exercise, and strength training is the best approach to achieving a healthy body shape. A very low calorie or low calorie diet can lead to decreased appetite and fat loss, but it's important to make sure that the body is still receiving enough nutrients and that organs are functioning properly. Core and abdominal muscles can be strengthened through exercise and better posture, without the need for unnatural positions or posture wearing.
The use of waist trainers as a temporary fix may provide a slight change in appearance, but the potential risks of permanent organ damage, decreased lung capacity, and internal damage to the digestive system are not worth the risk. The lacing system used in waist trainers can lead to less blood flow and increased risk of musculoskeletal system problems. Additionally, women who have undergone a cesarean delivery or have any digestive issues should consult with their primary care physician before wearing a waist trainer.
The Kardashian family and other celebrities may have popularized waist training, but it's important to note that their lifestyles and access to cosmetic surgery may not be the norm for the average person. Peer-reviewed studies and randomized trials have not shown any evidence to support the claims made by waist trainer manufacturers.
While waist trainers may seem like a quick fix for achieving a desired body shape, the potential health risks and lack of evidence to support their effectiveness make them a dangerous choice. Instead, a focus on a healthy lifestyle with a nutritious diet, regular exercise, and proper posture will lead to permanent changes in body shape and improved overall health.
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Hannah - Manager at Hourglass Hannah is a certified personal trainer based in Australia. Since 2017 she has inspired women across the nation through honest & educational content. Her dietary and fitness expertise are trusted across the fitness community. |