Do Doctors Recommend Waist Training?

Hourglass best waist training is a widely popular practice that has been around for centuries. Back in the 15th century, the Queen of France at the time banned women with thick thighs from entering her court, thus began the rise of the waist trainer into everyday fashion. Though not as publicly announced, men had also grown accustomed to wearing then in the hopes of looking better groomed and cultured.

In recent times, however, many have been questioning the safety and effectiveness of embarking on a waist training routine. In the hopes of tackling these concerns one by one, let us start off with why we train our midriff in the first place.

Do Doctors Recommend Waist Training?


What are the benefits of core training?

The hourglass or V-shaped figure

Waist trainers may have different effects on men and women, but it works toward the same goal: to achieve their ideal figure. For women, it is the curvy and slender hourglass figure while for men, it is the strong and muscular Vshaped torso. By cinching the waistline, the natural form of one’s body adapts and modifies itself to accommodate the constriction, emphasizing the areas you wish to highlight. The results can show in as little as two weeks if you properly train your core regularly.

Better weight control

The constriction around your abdomen gives a narrow leeway for your digestive system to work its magic. Because of this, it is physically difficult to consume too much food at a given time – providing you the benefit of better intake control and possible weight loss. The narrow space left also makes you feel full much faster, so we recommend filling your plate with more proteins and fiber to keep your gut happy despite the smaller portions.

Back support and healthy posture

Waist trainers do not only constrict the torso to modify your curves, but it also helps prevent slouching, which fosters a healthy posture and opens the possibility to even more benefits.

Your back and core will also take advantage of the extra support a compression garment offers. Especially for women with bigger breasts, a heavy bust can really put a strain on your back when you have to carry it all day. Tummy belts help lift and support to ease the pressure.

Better mood and improved mental health

Studies show sitting upright can lighten your mood, make you more self confident, and keep you happier. Imagine having this plus the body of your dreams – winning combo!

Tighten your postpartum

For the first 6 weeks after giving birth, the body has a natural way of healing itself, and it is important to give it the time and space to do so. Afterwards, new mothers may benefit from wearing a waist trainer (without inner steal bones) as these can help support the healing of the abdominal wall.

It is important to stress that new mothers should consult with their doctors before trying this method.

What does a waist trainer do to your body?

Many are often hesitant to try cincher because its constriction may move the organs. We are here to tell you that while it does in fact move some organs, it is perfectly safe and natural for them to do so. Everything that will be shifted during your routine is built to withstand the adjustment and will not be damaged, similar to when a woman starts her pregnancy and her body will adapt to its new space while functioning perfectly fine.

The hourglass or v-shaped torso is also achieved by pulling your two most bottom ribs inwards. These are called your floating ribs and are meant to be versatile enough to be modified or shifted in such a way.

Does a cinchers cause pain, acid reflux, or bloating?

No, definitely not. Waist training is meant for you to be motivationally challenged and perfectly comfortable. Should you feel any pain, it is high time to assess your trainer for damages or if it is an ill-fitting size for you. Another factor could be it is all too much too soon for your body and you need to slow your pace while it adjusts to its new shape. Try loosening the reinforcements a little and see if it eases any discomfort.

Midriff training also does not cause acid reflux or bloating. Bloating could be the result of a previous meal or drink and having a waist trainer on just enhances the feeling. Similarly, acid reflux is caused by your diet but the constriction on your abdomen just makes you more susceptible to be triggered by it.

Do doctors recommend a core training routine?

Many dieticians and physicians would tell you that a tummy belt alone cannot make you lose all the weight – and they are correct. It is a great supplement to a healthy, nutritious diet coupled with regular exercise. With the three in place, your fitness journey will definitely improve and change for the better.

It helps you achieve weight loss, good posture, better mental health, and a boosted self-confidence. Any physician would tell you that these are great returns for such a small and portable device.

Understandably, there are precautions to consider when it comes to health and safety. If you have pre existing medical conditions, are pregnant, or are below the age of 25, it is not recommended you start a waist training routine without thoroughly speaking with your physician first. Similarly, if you are qualified, it is important for you to train within a reasonable duration and not strain your body too much. After all, the trainer was designed to enhance your body, not make you suffer. We recommend starting off with a couple of hours a day until you feel comfortable to take on more, but never exceed our suggested limit of 12 consecutive hours. Keep in mind that your body needs to rest from being compressed.

Enjoyed reading this article? Learn if waist trainers can move your organs

 Top 3 waist trainers we recommend for you


Author Bio

Hannah - Manager at Hourglass 

Hannah is a certified personal trainer based in Australia. Since 2017 she has inspired women across the nation through honest & educational content. Her dietary and fitness expertise are trusted across the fitness community.